The Radical History Review stands in solidarity with those across the United States and the world who are protesting against anti-Black police violence. As scholars and activists mobilized under the term “Radical History,” we consider it our collective responsibility to publish scholarship that reflects our grief and outrage over ongoing state violence against Black communities.
In light of recent events in the United States, galvanized by the senseless murder of George Floyd by an officer of the Minneapolis Police Department, we are releasing the newest issue of RHR, “Policing, Justice, and the Radical Imagination,” with free and open access for all until September 30, 2020.
We hope that this scholarship may help advance the fight for justice.
Radical History Review #137, co-edited by Amy Chazkel, Monica Kim, and A. Naomi Paik is available for free reading and download here.

In addition, we are opening the following ten articles from our back issues that relate to the history of policing, prisons, and racial violence in the United States. These articles, dating back three decades, and selected by the co-chairs of the journal’s editorial collective, reflect radical scholarship that attempts to imagine the world beyond policing and the carceral state. They are also free to download until September 30.

Articles from our Archive:
Treva Ellison, “From Sanctuary to Safe Space: Gay and Lesbian Police-Reform Activism in Los Angeles” RHR #135 (October 2019)
Josh Cerretti, “Confronting an Enemy Abroad, Transforming a Nation at Home: Domestic Militarism in the United States, 1990–1996” RHR #126 (October 2016)
Jen Manion, “Gendered Ideologies of Violence, Authority, and Racial Difference in New York State Penitentiaries, 1796–1844” (Fall 2016)
Xhercis Méndez, “Which Black Lives Matter?: Gender, State-Sanctioned Violence, and “My Brother’s Keeper” RHR #126 (October 2016)
Steven Thrasher, “Super Slaves: Breeding and Controlling the Black American Male through Sports” RHR #125 (May 2016)
Regina Kunzel, “Lessons in Being Gay: Queer Encounters in Gay and Lesbian Prison Activism” RHR #100 (Winter 2008)
Sally Avery Bermanzohn, “A Massacre Survivor Reflects on the Greensboro T and R Commission” RHR #97 (Winter 2007)
Rogers M. Smith, “Civil Liberties in the Brave New World of Antiterrorism” RHR #93 (Fall 2005)
Barry Shank, “Fears of the White Unconscious: Music, Race, and Identification in the Censorship of ‘Cop Killer’” RHR #66 (Fall 1996)
Frank Donner, “Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression” RHR #148 (Fall 1990)